Delorean Alexander, Nurse Practitioner
Delorean Alexander, NP

Hi and welcome to my site! My name is Delorean and I’m so glad you stopped by. Let me tell you a little about me. I’m a wife, aspiring mother, a Family Nurse Practitioner, a dance fitness instructor/enthusiast and a foodie at heart. Music and food are probably two of my biggest passions outside sharing my health/fitness journey so don’t be surprised if you see a TON of that here.

I created this page to chronicle my journey from Fat to Fit as I work through my own “stuff” to get me to the point physically/mentally that I always wished to be.  My journey started a few years ago when I knew I needed to do something about my increasing weight but hadn’t found anything that I stay consistent with. That has always been my struggle. I start something then stop it. I have such difficulty with completing a task and have to work DAILY to stay focused on my goals.

Well, when I finished graduate school, I topped the scales at 340 lbs and didn’t even recognize myself.  One day, I finally saw myself in the mirror in a way that I hadn’t seen before. How did I let myself go so much? Oh I know, I was focused on school so much that I decided to put my own self on the back burner. That couldn’t go on. How could I be effective as a health care provider in trying to help others make changes for their health when I wasn’t walking the walk?  So, things had to change. If I was going to ask other people to make drastic changes in their lives, then I had to do the same.

Now, I am forever grateful that God gave me this epiphany and I finally listened. Not only am I far from where I started, but I feel 100% better physically, mentally and emotionally. I have more confidence and am less afraid to put myself out front and center. Before, I would hide and shy away from situations that I felt I would not be successful in. Now, I say yes to things that will put me out my comfort zone and help me to create a new life experiences.  I’m finally truly LIVING and it’s only just beginning.

So, if you are like me and have struggled with weight your entire life where it has held you back from really living but finally see that the time is NOW to make some real changes in your health, message me.  It is my passion to help others see their full potential. We all can do anything in life that we dream to do, sometimes we just someone to tell us its okay to have those dreams.